Growth Projections and Allocations

2023 Initial Growth Projections and Allocations Resolution
2023 Initial Growth Projections and Allocations Tables
2023 Growth Projections and Allocations Methodology
2023 Growth Projections and Allocations Final Report

Growth Projections and Allocations

On December 20, 2023, the Growth Management Act Steering Committee approved initial allocations of population, housing and employment growth in Skagit County. These allocations are used by cities, towns and Skagit County as they begin their planning processes to update their comprehensive plans by June 30, 2025, consistent with the state’s Growth Management Act.


A process to prepare final allocations of population, housing and employment growth is expected to begin in late 2024, after cities, towns and Skagit County have completed land capacity analyses. These analyses are conducted by local jurisdictions to determine if there is sufficient capacity of land in their planning area to accommodate projected growth.


SCOG administers the process for growth projections and allocations through an agreement with signatories of the 2002 Framework Agreement, with are Skagit County’s four cities and four towns, and Skagit County.

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